Game Difficulty & Scaling
The difficulty of each game depends on 2 factors: Game Mode Setting and Active Player Count.
Overview Game Difficulty
The difficulty of each game depends on 2 factors: Game Mode Setting and Active Player Count.
TKok 3.3.6 has 4 difficulties: Normal, Legendary, Heartcore and Nightmare, which Player 1 (Red) must choose before heroes can be loaded or chosen. The selected difficulty impacts the game in the following ways:
Another factor that contributes to the difficulty is the count of players/heroes that are in game. The HP and DMG of mobs and bosses scale per player. In addition, certain boss mechanics also adjust at different player counts.
When a TKoK game begins, the difficulty is scaled based on the players in game, before players load/select heroes. Thereafter, the game automatically scales down difficulty whenever a hero leaves the game or uses the Save & Quit option at Save-NPC.
NOTE: A player must chose a hero before leaving in order to downscale a game. Players leaving a game before choosing a hero does not scale down game difficulty, thus remaking a game is recommended.
Last updated on Oct 2, 2017