Reaching Crypt Fiend
To get Crypt Fiend you need to accept quest from an Ent NPC and spawn Meat Wagons, after you destroy all four wagon barrier will be disabled. Enter the gate at right middle side and take right path it will lead you to entrance for boss arena.
Beginning the Fight & Tips
1. Recommend high ms (400-450+) for the tank and moderate/high ms (350-400) on other players.
2. Walking into the room will trigger an dialogue event. Crypt Fiend (CF) will spawn at the end of the dialogue.
3. If you die during the fight you can re-enter the room (be careful of respawns on the way back to his room).
4. One of the non-tank players should take the first hit (non-dodge) from CF to begin stacking focused strike.
5. After this player takes 1 hit, the tank should taunt and immediately begin kiting to avoid gaining any stacks.
6. Bring lots of Smoke Screen. At starting first stack gain, when you before break channeling, for slowing boss speed and minis.
7. Body block CF for your tank to outrun him.
8. Eat spider on purpose mainly as healer or as 2nd tank to longer keep the main body phases to DPS on the boss. Do not eat spider when having aggro you risk to taking hit after break his channeling spell.
VX Condition
Do sufficient DPS to mini crypt fiend's to keep up VX condition for each mini phase, How dare you oppose us?! will be shown on the screen when triggered. Boss must be killed while split into 4.
- Spikes happens only at VX
Just deal small portion of damage to the mini for decide the which aura will be active. Later on each mini phase doesnt matter you burst minis or not since its already non vx. Again just dps for "aura" factor.
After 3 second later CF starts to attack a spider "green flying thing" will move around the room in an arc like pattern, it will stop moving periodically and then start another arc. Its always moves counterclockwise.
"Player Name" got caught by Spiders! player takes damage, can be lethal at Leg/Hc modes (At leg mode does 1k ish damage on the tank, damage depends on your mres). After some time boss locks on the player and start channeling, player unable to do anything on that time, dps must burst the boss to break the channel, otherwise the player will die.
Being hit by the spider will cause the player to become silenced and unable to auto attack or use any spells, also does DoT.
- When someone caught spider "AutoFocus" stops till CF cast instant kill.
Spider resume flying again where it got caught in the first place. This is very important to remember!
Spider leaves green trail behind touching (Dot and immobilizes) for 4 seconds
Number of spider you can caught is limited depends on mode. Normal:5, Legendary:4, Heartcore:3, if you take more instant death.
Healer or 2nd tank can eat spider on purpose to prolong main body phases to DPS longer
If boss at near death state DO NOT take any spider. Cause to VX you cant risk to kill the boss to free the player from his channel spell, or simply allow person to die in order to VX.
Focused Strike & AutoFocus & Feedback
Each successful hit (non dodge) put a stacking debuff on the player. At 5th stack player instantly dies.
Every 20 second for the person who take last hit from the boss receive +1 stack "AutoFocus"
Taking hit from the boss reduces stack from the second tank by 1
You must take 1 non dodge hit at least before mini phase starts. If not, at mini phase everyone will get a debuff called "Feedback"
Reaching 5th stack by over time also means "Feedback"
Feedback is causes all players to deplete their ALL mana to 0 and stun for 1 second when you try to use a Skill/Consumables/opening inventory/talent tree/stat menu, triggers it each time. This is simply a wipe for the team.
To deal with Focused Strike you need a 2nd tank to constant switching aggro to keep stacks at low, someone can steal aggro or buy "Deathward" and suicide before 5th stack. Second tank when taunt/steal aggro whatever, taking hit result as reducing -1 stack from the main tank so when you (2nd tank) reach 3rd stack example main tank must retaunt and must take a hit too reducing 2nd tank's stack. Whole fight you must deal with that mechanic. Either wait till 3rd stack and taunt or taunt take a hit and instant start kiting.
If you intent to steal aggro as DPS "if no 2nd tank" find a way to communicate with your team to let them know you steal the aggro. Or a good observant healer use protective spells on the DPS so he/she can afford to take 1 hit at least later main tank retaunt again.
If "Deathward" pause the game and -zs result as losing all aggro and stacks BUT 2nd person on the aggro list will be chased by the boss.
PS: After retaunting you dont have to take a hit instant if their stack low let them gain more stack by over time but later be sure take a hit. Body block the boss for the person who has aggro so you help them to outrun the boss.
Birds (Blue or Red)
- 8 second later after the fight starts he reappears at random spot on the arena to summon a bird (Red or Blue) You're mine, -player name- to start chasing the player. Bird gradually moves faster each second pass.
- Player must kite the bird as long as they can so they stall time for the DPS'ers. Start running to make a big circle around the arena and before finish the full circle kill the bird. Always kill the bird
- If bird hits you, the damage you take will vary depending on the bird's HP. Later bird returns to the boss. During this time period, when the bird returns to the boss, a certain portion of the damage done will be wasted, depending on the bird HP.
- When bird killed a blue spell circle moves towards to the middle if you stand on it when placed you will take serious rapid damage can cause you to die. Second thing is whoever under the spell circle "before circle placed, moving circle animation" receives a debuff "Trembling" lasts for 5 seconds does DoT.
- After circle placed you can step on the blue circle but you take damage by doing so.
- In for blue bird case everyone while stay middle, tank can circle around the team by stepping on the circle so everyone gathers at same spot dealing DPS/Heal, as tank dont worry about taking damage.
Red Bird
Do not stay at middle when it dies
Blue Bird
Everyone gather at middle so everyone can reach each other and to DPS the boss with ease
Split Phase "minis"
Boss split into 4 mini CF each of their color different
Aggro the minis asap when they appears, each next mini phases previous aggro you build on them keeps it.
Depends on the which mini has the highest Hp, triggers a debuff for whole arena when boss returns. Debuff persist till next mini phase and changes if some other mini has highest HP.
If minis have same amount HP when boss returns you will always get "Pain Aura"
Minis HP depends on the main body aka boss HP. Low hp boss= low hp during mini phase.
Focus on Black & Red

A text message appears on the screen tells you which aura triggered
Red - Armor reduced by 60/150/180. Let the armor shatter!
Blue - Movespeed reduced by 84/108/133. No need to hurry!
Black - DoT every 4 second, same as pain aura. You will feel the pain!
Green - Healing done by healers also heals the boss percentage of HP. Your heals are mine!
Example for "Your heals are mine!": Done 1041 heal and boss healed by 10413 HP / 183>1837 / 55>559. Tested on HC mode solo
Webs & Snakes & Spikes
After each mini phase CF will throw webs around arena touching it -297 MS & -30 HPS (all modes)
Every 3 second team got impaled and taking damage
At the same time different colored snakes spawn outer areas to chases the players. More then 1 snake can follow same player. Snake color mostly same as player they chasing. Snakes= depends number of player
Head of the snake follows you do not touch it you will take heavy damage, doesn't matter whoever touches it its apply for all players any snakes "head". When head touches you next box of the snakes becomes next head and keep deals damage you if you still touching it. You can step on the rest of the body parts by doing that you remove those areas "deleting it" its totally safe to step on them unless its HEAD.
This phase lasts 20 second and later boss start to summon bird.
Editors Note: This is the longest boss guide. To keep guide shorter as possible w/o detailed tips (tho i added few) please try to self figure out/judge what to do for any situation please. Also you are already at IT area so you know basics of basic already at this point right? Have a nice day and have fun