Muarki is the final boss of the Ancient orc Tomb and must be defeated before one can face Vjaier, the next boss. Killing Muarki grants you status 7, which allows you to teleport to Karavnos at the portal master.
Muarki is the final boss of the Ancient orc Tomb and must be defeated before one can face Vjaier, the next boss. Killing Muarki grants you status 7, which allows you to teleport to Karavnos at the portal master.
The boss has 2 phases. In the first phase players fight Muarki's minions, one by one. In the second phase, players fight Muarki, until he reaches 66% HP, at which point he resurrects his minions from the first phase.
The enviroment is also a hazard in the fight.
The circles on the ground shoot damaging orbs
The entrance area of the fight will be
engulfed in flames, preventing players from escaping the fight.
Additionally, there are 2 circles on the ground, which will shoot orbs, that deal a small
amount of area damage on hit.
Killing the minions is easy. Run away from whirlwind, do not step on traps, and aoe the wards. Lure them to the top right corner, and kill them all there at the same place. That way, if you keep the boss there, you can aoe the adds and do some damage to the boss too.
When Muarki activates, be careful about his cleave, only the tank should ever stand in front of the boss. This becomes a problem when Muarki uses charge, just make sure to run away from the boss.
Never tank the boss near one of the circles on the ground, because when the boss uses Pull, players will be stunned forr several seconds, and not being able to dodge orbs combined with the damage from the knock can be lethal.
The boss will start resurrecting the minions when he reaches 60% hp. At that point, the
boss will not move or attack while channeling. The minions will be resurrected in the same place where they died, and in the same order as you fought them in the first phase. Focusing them very fast is essential, since the fight becomes chaotic if more are alive at the same time. Using smoke screens is recommended.
After killing the minions, the fight is essentially won, because nothing else will happen other than the 2 spells used by Muarki.
The easiest way to do it is to separate the minions and the boss. Kill the minions in the top right corner, as you usually do, but when the boss is approaching 60% hp, take him to the opposite side of the room. Damage dealers stay on the boss, and the tank goes to the minions and aggros and tanks them there. With good dps, the boss should die before becoming active again, or shortly after that.
Requires 5 players, each player has to keep their aggro on which minion they have planned to take, and keep it until Muarki is killed 2 times. UVX fails If any player has 2 enemies on themselves when Muarki is killed.
The entrance area of the fight will be engulfed in flames, instant kill players who tries to escape.
2 circles on the ground, which shoot orbs, compared to vx does 400 around damage on hit.
When he loses 15% HP bar, he will begin to revive minions where they were killed. Each player should take their position while keeping aggro on their own target and shouldn't move from their position. Minions will immediately start to use their new skills.
When boss say Do you see your end, "playername" now does serious damage.
Minions passive abilities will not be activated and they will only cast their VX spells instantly.
UVX note: When minions revive ALL aggros reset. Don't worry about pre builded aggro on them.
When the boss dies, he will revive back for the last time. Minions and boss will get Earthen Shield (damage resist buff) & bloodlust. And you have limited time to kill him 30 second or so, if you fail to defeat the boss within that time he will pull everyone to him and cast an arena spell to wipe everyone.
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Last updated on Jan 31, 2022 by Istaryu.
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