Phase 4 - Boulder & Charging Rock
A attack-able boulder spawns and a random player is being announced. This player will be chased by the boulder and it will deal high damage, a knockback and change it's target when it reaches the player. However when other players touch the boulder that aren't being chased, they still take the damage and knockback without it switching targets. Another way to make it switch targets is to damage it below 75/50/25% thresholds. Furthermore, the lower the HP of the chasing boulder is, the slower it will be making kiting easier.
Charging Rock: A rock spawn only at the edges of arena and slowly begins to get bigger later randomly flying towards to a strait line, it does moderate damage & stun whoever gets hit by that.
VX hint: The boulder will take 75% less damage from AoE skills in the Phase 5. Making it easier for you to nuke the boss as hard as you can. When the fight takes too long, Tal'navi will reach the 4th Phase another time, spawning a second boulder. When the second boulder spawns, the first boulder heals to full HP and both boulders will gain a speed boost. This is very difficult to deal with and it is advised to simply aim to kill the boss before the second spawn. 

More info about Boulder Mechanic;
1. If it hits you, it hurts bad and knocks you back.
2. When it hits the player it is chasing, it switches the target.
3. At 75/50/25% HP it changes the target.
4. It switches the target periodically.
5. Whenever it switches the target, it picks a random player.
6. The boulder will hit players that aren't being chased, if they run into it. It will keep chasing it's target.
7. The boulder takes reduced damage from AoE skills by 75% as long as Phase 5 is active.
8. Damaging the boulder reduces it's movement speed.
9. (VX) When the 2nd boulder spawns, the first one will heal to full and both boulders will move faster than the initial one. Either of them will chase a random target.

Phase 5 - DPS Phase / Talnavi is exhausted and Vulnerable...
A notification will say "Tal'navi is exhausted and vulnerable", in this Phase the Boss won't use any spells and take 25% more damage, while the boulder takes 75% less damage from AoE spells. This will go on for 10 seconds, then Tal'Navi will knock everyone back with a stun (1.5 second) & damage afterwards repeat phase 1. 

VX hint: Before boss knockback everyone it is advised to use Smoke Screen on boss.